Today,I'll introduce you [Yotsuba&」( in Japanese, 「Yotsubato」) written by Kiyohiko Azuma.
This is one of the my favorite comics (●^o^●)♡
According to the wikipedia, this series is published in English , too. I didn't know it.
This is Japanese comedy comic. It's really funny and cute ♪
Then, I'll show you the summary of this comic.
This is the story about Yotsuba Koiwai 's dayly life. She is a five year-old adopted girl. She is really energetic , curious, and cheerful girl. Actually, her father calls her `strange`. Nobody knows where she is from. Her father said he picked up Yotsuba in an island located in south. When other's asked Yotsuba, `where are you from?`, she answered ` I came from the really far island where you have to take airplane to visit there`. And also, as you can see, she has green hair!!! Everybody have no idea where is she from.
This story begins with when Yotsuba and her adopt father move to new city with help of her father's best friend ,who is really tall man ,nicknamed `Jambo`. (The tallest man in the picture below)
In the first day, she encounters three girls, Asagi, Fuuka, and Ena. They are the daughters in the neighboring Ayase family. Yotsuba's new life began.

Ena Fuuka Asagi
Yotsuba is interested in everything near her. For example, in the first day, she is interested in a cicada and,,,,she pretended cicada by climbed to a utility pole. You can see how strange she is,,,right? kkk She is interested in everything, really. Actually, she doesn't know many things a child who is in her age are expected to know. For example, she doesn't know escalators, air conditioners, a playground's swing, and so on.
Yotsuba is interested in everything near her. For example, in the first day, she is interested in a cicada and,,,,she pretended cicada by climbed to a utility pole. You can see how strange she is,,,right? kkk She is interested in everything, really. Actually, she doesn't know many things a child who is in her age are expected to know. For example, she doesn't know escalators, air conditioners, a playground's swing, and so on.
In daily life, Yotsuba discover's something everyday. Everyday is voyage for her. She can enjoy everything. For example, Yotsuba in rainy day,,,

She didn't use umbrella and getting wet,,,but laughing!! She really can enjoy everything. The man with Yotsuba is her adopt father. He is also really funny.kkk
Most of the story's title is 「Yotsuba and 〇〇〇」. So, this picture is from the story titled 「Yotsuba and rain」. This series focuses on Yotsuba and her surrounded people 's such a wonderful life.
I really like 「Yotsuba&!」(●^o^●)♡ This story makes me feel happy.
Actually, this comic is becoming popular.
This story doesn't have an attracted feature like other comics have. (ex. battle, love, etc.)
This story only shows about little child's daiily-life. However, it's really really interesting.
Yotsuba means four-leaf clover in Japanese. I think this name really suits her, because she brings happiness to everybody.
I'm sure Yotsuba will bring you happiness, too.
I really recommend you to read 「Yotsuba&!」(*^^)v
These sites show about this series in details.
http://www.yotuba.com/yotu_comics.html (This site shows 2 sample stories) (in Japanese)
http://www.yotuba.com/ (in Japanese)
Thank you )^o^(
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