I recommend you to read this comic☆
Let's take the book jacket !!
!?!?!? This picture is very simillar to the one on a cover , but his costume is different. And also, the title is changed to 「黒ホスト」. This means 「Brack Host」in Japanese. Like this, 「Black Butler」 always change the chalacter's costume and put an another title.As an example, 「Black Dancer」、「Black Golfer」 ,「Black Sushiya」,and so on. And also, on a buck cover , there's a summary of that story. This time, there's a summary of 「Black Host 」the author wrote by kidding. This series is popular among readers. All of the readers always looking forward to see next cosplay of character on a cover.
This is the special one! This is different kinds of secret from others. But, I want to show you because this is rare one. It has a reversible cover!! Let's look at it.
Wow! His hair became shorter! Why?
It's because he played a game of tennis with the promise "the person lose has to cut own hair".
Year,,,he lost. But it was really good game!!
I have never seen such a revercible cover . It's really cool, isn't it?