Hi ^^
Today,I'll introduce 「FIVE」 written by Shiori Furukawa. It is the comic for girls.
I bought this comic when I went back to Japan during last vacation.
And now, it became one of my most favorite comics for girls (●^o^●)♡
I really recommend you to read this one. Then, I'll show you the summary of this comic.
A heroin of this comic is the high school student, Hina Asou , whose father is constantly being sent to a different office by his employers. Therefore, she had changed from one school to another many times. Because of such circumstances, she had never been able to make a friend.
But, now, her circumstances changed. Finally, it was decided that her father won't be transferred to another city any more. She was so happy to know that she can settle in next school 「Shuei Gakuen」. Since now, she will be able to really enjoy her school life. She dreamed of making a lot of friends and fall in love with someone. However, in the first day of the school, her dreams came crashing about her ears. There are only boys in her class. Because this school divides classes with one's grade. The class she entered was an classs for highest student and she was the only girl who could enter there ( she is a genius). She disappointed when she realized she can't have opportunity to be friend with girls. Then, suddenly, five boys (who were late for the class) entered in the classroom. They are the boys who are very popular among girls, called " Mens 5". They were interested in Hina and began to be with her. Then, she became friends with them. Her full of ups and downs, but enjoyable school life started.
Actually, Syuei Gakuen is strange school.
For example, the grade for physical education is decided only by ranking of a field day which is held in somewere like a jungle. There's a lot of things Hina feels like" What!? Is this a school!? I can't believe..." in this school. That's why this comic is funny. And also, all of the menbers in "Mens 5" are so cool ♡ This comic has a lot of appeal to readers^^
I really recommend you to read 「FIVE」♪
These sites show about it in details.
http://ameblo.jp/murderbanvi555/ (Shiori Furukawa's blog in Japanese)
http://www.s-manga.net/author/shiori_furukawa.html (you can read first part of the comics in Japanese)
http://www.s-manga.net/author/shiori_furukawa.html (you can read first part of the comics in Japanese)
Thank you (*^^)v♡
Do you have English versions of any of the comics you've recommended? I'm interested in trying to read one sometime, but I don't know where to find one in English.
This site translate comics to various kinds of languages.
Push " Looking for manga?" and find the comic you want to read. Then push the chapters. Pictures of frag show you in which language you can read it.
Choose the chapter and push it. Then, you can choose the language.
Finally, you can start resding by pushing first page which is on the left.
Sometimes, there's a chapter you can't read. Sorry about it.
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